
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 26th

Curt Wilkerson

Curt was born April 26th, 1961 in Petersburg, VA. His career spanned 11 seasons (1983 - 1993), playing for: Texas Rangers, Chicago Cubs, Pittsburgh Pirates, Kansas City Royals.
Others born on April 26th: Chris Magruder, Tom Norton, Irv Higginbotham, Mike Scott, Gene Lambert [more...]

Featured Champions: 1917 Chicago White Sox

Won the 1917 World Series over the New York Giants, 4-2.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Eddie Cicotte (28-12)
Hits: Happy Felsch (177)
Home Runs: Happy Felsch (6)
Stolen Bases: Eddie Collins (53)