
Major League and Minor League Baseball Teams and Ballparks

Plus statistics for every player who has ever played in the major leagues

Born On April 27th

Bill Higdon

Bill was born April 27th, 1924 in Camp Hill, AL. He died April 30th, 1986 in Pascagoula, MS. His career spanned 1 seasons (1949 - 1949), playing for: Chicago White Sox.
Others born on April 27th: Frank Gilmore, Bill Vinton, Kite Thomas, Frenchy Uhalt, Chris Carpenter [more...]

Featured Champions: 1961 New York Yankees

Won the 1961 World Series over the Cincinnati Reds, 4-1.
Team Leaders:
Wins: Whitey Ford (25-4)
Hits: Bobby Richardson (173)
Home Runs: Roger Maris (61)
Stolen Bases: Mickey Mantle (12)