2015 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

Toronto Blue Jays 93 69 891 670 2794891
New York Yankees 87 75 764 698 3193795
Baltimore Orioles 81 81 713 693 2281202
Tampa Bay Rays 80 82 644 642 1287054
Boston Red Sox 78 84 748 753 2880694

AL Central Final Standings

Kansas City Royals 95 67 724 641 2708549
Minnesota Twins 83 79 696 700 2220054
Cleveland Indians 81 80 669 640 1388905
Chicago White Sox 76 86 622 701 1755810
Detroit Tigers 74 87 689 803 2726048

AL West Final Standings

Texas Rangers 88 74 751 733 2491875
Houston Astros 86 76 729 618 2153585
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 85 77 661 675 3012765
Seattle Mariners 76 86 656 726 2193581
Oakland Athletics 68 94 694 729 1768175

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

Toronto Blue Jays 891 93 69
New York Yankees 764 87 75
Texas Rangers 751 88 74
Boston Red Sox 748 78 84
Houston Astros 729 86 76
Kansas City Royals 724 95 67
Baltimore Orioles 713 81 81
Minnesota Twins 696 83 79
Oakland Athletics 694 68 94
Detroit Tigers 689 74 87
Cleveland Indians 669 81 80
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 661 85 77
Seattle Mariners 656 76 86
Tampa Bay Rays 644 80 82
Chicago White Sox 622 76 86

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Houston Astros 618 86 76
Cleveland Indians 640 81 80
Kansas City Royals 641 95 67
Tampa Bay Rays 642 80 82
Toronto Blue Jays 670 93 69
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 675 85 77
Baltimore Orioles 693 81 81
New York Yankees 698 87 75
Minnesota Twins 700 83 79
Chicago White Sox 701 76 86
Seattle Mariners 726 76 86
Oakland Athletics 729 68 94
Texas Rangers 733 88 74
Boston Red Sox 753 78 84
Detroit Tigers 803 74 87

2015 Statistical Leaders