2016 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

Boston Red Sox 93 69 878 694 2955434
Baltimore Orioles 89 73 744 715 2172344
Toronto Blue Jays 89 73 759 666 3392099
New York Yankees 84 78 680 702 3063405
Tampa Bay Rays 68 94 672 713 1286163

AL Central Final Standings

Cleveland Indians 94 67 777 676 1591667
Detroit Tigers 86 75 750 721 2493859
Kansas City Royals 81 81 675 712 2557712
Chicago White Sox 78 84 686 715 1746293
Minnesota Twins 59 103 722 889 1963912

AL West Final Standings

Texas Rangers 95 67 765 757 2710402
Seattle Mariners 86 76 768 707 2267928
Houston Astros 84 78 724 701 2306623
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 74 88 717 727 3016142
Oakland Athletics 69 93 653 761 1521506

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

Boston Red Sox 878 93 69
Cleveland Indians 777 94 67
Seattle Mariners 768 86 76
Texas Rangers 765 95 67
Toronto Blue Jays 759 89 73
Detroit Tigers 750 86 75
Baltimore Orioles 744 89 73
Houston Astros 724 84 78
Minnesota Twins 722 59 103
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 717 74 88
Chicago White Sox 686 78 84
New York Yankees 680 84 78
Kansas City Royals 675 81 81
Tampa Bay Rays 672 68 94
Oakland Athletics 653 69 93

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Toronto Blue Jays 666 89 73
Cleveland Indians 676 94 67
Boston Red Sox 694 93 69
Houston Astros 701 84 78
New York Yankees 702 84 78
Seattle Mariners 707 86 76
Kansas City Royals 712 81 81
Tampa Bay Rays 713 68 94
Baltimore Orioles 715 89 73
Chicago White Sox 715 78 84
Detroit Tigers 721 86 75
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 727 74 88
Texas Rangers 757 95 67
Oakland Athletics 761 69 93
Minnesota Twins 889 59 103

2016 Statistical Leaders