2018 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

Boston Red Sox 108 54 876 647 2895575
New York Yankees 100 62 851 669 3482855
Tampa Bay Rays 90 72 716 646 1154973
Toronto Blue Jays 73 89 709 832 2325281
Baltimore Orioles 47 115 622 892 1564192

AL Central Final Standings

Cleveland Indians 91 71 818 648 1926701
Minnesota Twins 78 84 738 775 1959197
Detroit Tigers 64 98 630 796 1856970
Chicago White Sox 62 100 656 848 1608817
Kansas City Royals 58 104 638 833 1665107

AL West Final Standings

Houston Astros 103 59 797 534 2980549
Oakland Athletics 97 65 813 674 1573616
Seattle Mariners 89 73 677 711 2299489
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 80 82 721 722 3020216
Texas Rangers 67 95 737 848 2107107

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

Boston Red Sox 876 108 54
New York Yankees 851 100 62
Cleveland Indians 818 91 71
Oakland Athletics 813 97 65
Houston Astros 797 103 59
Minnesota Twins 738 78 84
Texas Rangers 737 67 95
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 721 80 82
Tampa Bay Rays 716 90 72
Toronto Blue Jays 709 73 89
Seattle Mariners 677 89 73
Chicago White Sox 656 62 100
Kansas City Royals 638 58 104
Detroit Tigers 630 64 98
Baltimore Orioles 622 47 115

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Houston Astros 534 103 59
Tampa Bay Rays 646 90 72
Boston Red Sox 647 108 54
Cleveland Indians 648 91 71
New York Yankees 669 100 62
Oakland Athletics 674 97 65
Seattle Mariners 711 89 73
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 722 80 82
Minnesota Twins 775 78 84
Detroit Tigers 796 64 98
Toronto Blue Jays 832 73 89
Kansas City Royals 833 58 104
Chicago White Sox 848 62 100
Texas Rangers 848 67 95
Baltimore Orioles 892 47 115

2018 Statistical Leaders