2019 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

New York Yankees 103 59 943 739 3304404
Tampa Bay Rays 96 66 769 656 1178735
Boston Red Sox 84 78 901 828 2924627
Toronto Blue Jays 67 95 726 828 1750114
Baltimore Orioles 54 108 729 981 1307807

AL Central Final Standings

Minnesota Twins 101 61 939 754 2294152
Cleveland Indians 93 69 769 657 1738642
Chicago White Sox 72 89 708 832 1649775
Kansas City Royals 59 103 691 869 1479659
Detroit Tigers 47 114 582 915 1501430

AL West Final Standings

Houston Astros 107 55 920 640 2857367
Oakland Athletics 97 65 845 680 1662211
Texas Rangers 78 84 810 878 2132994
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 72 90 769 868 3019012
Seattle Mariners 68 94 758 893 1791863

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

New York Yankees 943 103 59
Minnesota Twins 939 101 61
Houston Astros 920 107 55
Boston Red Sox 901 84 78
Oakland Athletics 845 97 65
Texas Rangers 810 78 84
Cleveland Indians 769 93 69
Tampa Bay Rays 769 96 66
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 769 72 90
Seattle Mariners 758 68 94
Baltimore Orioles 729 54 108
Toronto Blue Jays 726 67 95
Chicago White Sox 708 72 89
Kansas City Royals 691 59 103
Detroit Tigers 582 47 114

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Houston Astros 640 107 55
Tampa Bay Rays 656 96 66
Cleveland Indians 657 93 69
Oakland Athletics 680 97 65
New York Yankees 739 103 59
Minnesota Twins 754 101 61
Toronto Blue Jays 828 67 95
Boston Red Sox 828 84 78
Chicago White Sox 832 72 89
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 868 72 90
Kansas City Royals 869 59 103
Texas Rangers 878 78 84
Seattle Mariners 893 68 94
Detroit Tigers 915 47 114
Baltimore Orioles 981 54 108

2019 Statistical Leaders