2021 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

Tampa Bay Rays 100 62 857 651 761072
Boston Red Sox 92 70 829 749 1725323
New York Yankees 92 70 711 669 1959854
Toronto Blue Jays 91 71 846 663 805901
Baltimore Orioles 52 110 659 956 793229

AL Central Final Standings

Chicago White Sox 93 69 796 636 1596385
Cleveland Indians 80 82 717 727 1114368
Detroit Tigers 77 85 697 756 1102621
Kansas City Royals 74 88 686 788 1159613
Minnesota Twins 73 89 729 834 1310199

AL West Final Standings

Houston Astros 95 67 863 658 2068509
Seattle Mariners 90 72 697 748 1215985
Oakland Athletics 86 76 743 687 701430
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 77 85 723 804 1515689
Texas Rangers 60 102 625 815 2110258

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

Houston Astros 863 95 67
Tampa Bay Rays 857 100 62
Toronto Blue Jays 846 91 71
Boston Red Sox 829 92 70
Chicago White Sox 796 93 69
Oakland Athletics 743 86 76
Minnesota Twins 729 73 89
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 723 77 85
Cleveland Indians 717 80 82
New York Yankees 711 92 70
Detroit Tigers 697 77 85
Seattle Mariners 697 90 72
Kansas City Royals 686 74 88
Baltimore Orioles 659 52 110
Texas Rangers 625 60 102

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Chicago White Sox 636 93 69
Tampa Bay Rays 651 100 62
Houston Astros 658 95 67
Toronto Blue Jays 663 91 71
New York Yankees 669 92 70
Oakland Athletics 687 86 76
Cleveland Indians 727 80 82
Seattle Mariners 748 90 72
Boston Red Sox 749 92 70
Detroit Tigers 756 77 85
Kansas City Royals 788 74 88
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 804 77 85
Texas Rangers 815 60 102
Minnesota Twins 834 73 89
Baltimore Orioles 956 52 110

2021 Statistical Leaders