2023 AL Final Standings

Plus Runs Scored and Runs Allowed Rankings

AL East Final Standings

Baltimore Orioles 101 61 807 678 1936798
Tampa Bay Rays 99 63 860 665 1440301
Toronto Blue Jays 89 73 746 671 3021904
New York Yankees 82 80 673 698 3269016
Boston Red Sox 78 84 772 776 2672130

AL Central Final Standings

Minnesota Twins 87 75 778 659 1974124
Detroit Tigers 78 84 661 740 1612876
Cleveland Guardians 76 86 662 697 1834068
Chicago White Sox 61 101 641 841 1669628
Kansas City Royals 56 106 676 859 1307052

AL West Final Standings

Houston Astros 90 72 827 698 3052347
Texas Rangers 90 72 881 716 2533044
Seattle Mariners 88 74 758 659 2690418
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 73 89 739 829 2640575
Oakland Athletics 50 112 585 924 832352

AL Ranking - Runs Scored

Texas Rangers 881 90 72
Tampa Bay Rays 860 99 63
Houston Astros 827 90 72
Baltimore Orioles 807 101 61
Minnesota Twins 778 87 75
Boston Red Sox 772 78 84
Seattle Mariners 758 88 74
Toronto Blue Jays 746 89 73
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 739 73 89
Kansas City Royals 676 56 106
New York Yankees 673 82 80
Cleveland Guardians 662 76 86
Detroit Tigers 661 78 84
Chicago White Sox 641 61 101
Oakland Athletics 585 50 112

AL Ranking - Runs Allowed

Seattle Mariners 659 88 74
Minnesota Twins 659 87 75
Tampa Bay Rays 665 99 63
Toronto Blue Jays 671 89 73
Baltimore Orioles 678 101 61
Cleveland Guardians 697 76 86
Houston Astros 698 90 72
New York Yankees 698 82 80
Texas Rangers 716 90 72
Detroit Tigers 740 78 84
Boston Red Sox 776 78 84
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 829 73 89
Chicago White Sox 841 61 101
Kansas City Royals 859 56 106
Oakland Athletics 924 50 112

2023 Statistical Leaders